Meet Dr Gemma Doleman, Adjunct Research Fellow at Edith Cowan University and Sir Charles Gairdner and Osborne Park Health Care Group in Western Australia. Here she talks about her research in the retention, wellbeing and job satisfaction of the nursing and midwifery workforce and a desire to never stop learning.

What is your current role and how did you get to be there?
I graduated from nursing in 2007 and worked on a surgical and rehabilitation ward during my graduate year. I later went on to specialise as an anaesthetic nurse in the operating theatre, as I hated making beds. I started working at ECU in 2012 as a research assistant after completing my honours degree in nursing. In 2013 I won a scholarship to undertake my PhD, which led me into a lecturer role in 2018 and my current role as a research fellow at the end of 2019.
How does your work contribute to the field?
My research is focused on retention, wellbeing and job satisfaction of our nursing and midwifery workforce. If wellbeing and job satisfaction are not maintained at manageable levels the result could be an increase in staff turnover, which puts strain on the healthcare system and exacerbates workforce shortages. This also results in an increase in negative patient outcomes and the costs associated with providing care.
My latest publication explored the gender pay gap in the Australian nursing workforce. The results indicated that men earnt more at six months and three years post-graduation and nursing graduates from non-English speaking backgrounds and lower socioeconomic backgrounds had an increased likelihood of being underemployed, which needs to be considered for sustainability of the workforce.
What is a project you would love to get off the ground or a skill you would like to develop, if you had the opportunity?
I have just finished my final semester of a graduate certificate in health economics, so I think my family are hoping I choose not to study any time soon. Ideally though I would love to continue to develop my leadership and mentoring skills over the next 5 years.
There are several projects that I would love to get off the ground locally in Perth and in the regional areas of Western Australia with a specific focus on retention of our senior workforce. We need to retain our experienced nurses so that newly qualified nurses can be supported and mentored allowing for successful transition into the profession. It’s also important to promote the nursing and midwifery voice so that changes can be made to practice that are relevant to nurses and midwives working in the clinical setting.
What are your loves outside of work?
I love being outside in nature and spending time with my children. These moments allow me to stop and take a breath from my busy life as a single parent and full-time academic/researcher. If I’m not outside, my children usually find me with my head in a good book or being creative.
What is one piece of advice you could pass onto others following their own career in health and medical research sector?
My late grandfather once said to me “never stop learning”. The most powerful words that have ever been spoken to me and words that I live by each day. These words drive me to develop my skills and knowledge to be the best nurse and researcher I can be.
If I had to pass on advice, it would be to keep striving. During my journey there have been times when I have failed, for example by not securing a grant to undertake a project or not getting my research published. I have learnt to dust myself off and think where too next, always keeping my goals in mind.