Meet Cara Bevington, our new Head of Members and Community at Franklin Women! Here she talks about the intended impact of her new role, community for social good and tapping into one’s purpose.

Headshot of Caroline Ford

What is your current role and how did you get to be there?

I’m currently the Head of Members and Community for Franklin Women (dream job!). In this role I’m able to build on my experience and grow in new ways as I learn from the incredible FW team and community. 

After completing a Bachelor of Arts, I worked in Oxfam Australia’s campaigns team, seeking to inspire and empower the Australian public to advocate for policy change on a range of issues from action on climate change to health equality for First Nations communities. I then moved to the UK where I worked for three different membership organisations. All quite different organisations, but united in their mission to network and connect their members to drive greater impact. I returned to Australia in 2017 to manage the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, which aims to celebrate and recognise the best in Australian science. In this role I was continually inspired by the breadth and depth of science talent in our country.  

How does your work contribute to the field and/or overall health and wellbeing of the community? 

Quite indirectly, but hopefully like a stone in a pond making a ripple effect! As Head of Members and Community, I’ll be working to create valuable and impactful offerings that reflect the needs of the FW community, find ways to further strengthen the sense of belonging and connection amongst our members, and hopefully attract new members, in turn supporting more and more women to thrive in their health or medical research career. Key to achieving any of this will be you, our members (or future members!). I’m eager to hear any ideas of how Franklin Women can best support you. So, please drop me a line at [email protected] and we can make time for a virtual cuppa.  

What is a project you would love to get off the ground or a skill you would like to develop, if you had the opportunity?

I love bringing people together over food and doing some social good. I’ve had an idea percolating for about a decade to create a project for neighbours to pool their excess homegrown basil, about-to-expire dairy products and sad vegetables left in the bottom of their fridge, to make a meal to enjoy together. Reduce food waste and boost community connection, win-win! I’m sure someone out there is already doing this, but one day I’d love to make it happen in my neighbourhood.

What are your loves outside of work?

My family and nature, and even better if I can combine the two! My happy place is being in the ocean or on a bushwalk with my husband and kids. I live by the motto that you will never regret a swim. I’ll happily swim all year round no matter the water temp. (My kids aren’t always happy about this!).

What is one piece of advice you could pass onto others following their own career in health and medical research sector? 

I encourage people to tap into their purpose – find what lights you up and then find a job that allows you to express some or all of this. We will all have challenging periods as we navigate our career, but if you can find a role that enables you to connect with your passion and purpose it will make the tough times (mostly) worth it. 

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