Call for Nominations
Do you know of a woman scientist who has won an award or is regularly in the media but doesn’t have a Wikipedia page? You might be surprised how often this happens!
Wikipedia is one of the world’s most visited websites and yet it also mirrors many of society’s biases. In fact, just 18.9% of the people profiled on Wikipedia are women. This means that many talented women are not getting the recognition they deserve, as well as critically skewing public perceptions about women’s contributions to various endeavours.
In 2019, we held our first-ever Franklin Women Wikipedia Edit-a-thon to increase the visibility of women scientists. Together, we learned how to edit the online encyclopaedia, then wrote new pages (or improved existing ones) for some pretty amazing women!
For this year’s event, we thought we would crowd-source more even more nominations from you.
You do NOT need to attend our Edit-a-thon to make a nomination!
The Franklin Women team will collate these nominations and then cross-check them against Wikipedia’s notability criteria. The reviewed list will be made available at our Edit-a-thon for attendees to choose whose page they would like to work on.